Agenda item

Stoke Wharf – Slough Urban Renewal – Draft Indicative Site Development Plan


(a)  That the Draft Indicative Site Development Plan appended to the report be approved; and


(b)  That authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Resources (s.151 officer), following consultation with the Leader, to relinquish a proportion of Slough Borough Council’s anticipated profit share from Stoke Wharf Development LLP and vary any legal agreements necessary to ensure that the level of affordable housing delivered on the site moves further towards policy compliance.


(c)  That the recommendation of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in relation to building heights be noted; and that such matters would be for the Planning Committee to consider and balance against viability and the scale of development.


The Cabinet considered a report that sought approval of the Draft Indicative Site Development Plan (DISDP) for Stoke Wharf, prepared by Slough Urban Renewal in partnership with Waterside Places.


The Council had had a longstanding ambition to develop the canal basin site in what had become the Stoke Wharf scheme.  A high quality, mixed use scheme was proposed that drew upon the heritage of Slough and the Grand Union Canal.  A total of 312 new homes were proposed which was a mix of apartments, mews and townhouses along with retail and leisure space.  Parking on site was proposed to be minimised given the sustainable location. 


The Cabinet welcomed the creation of canal side public realm and improvements to Bowyer Park.  There was a discussion about the possibility of a bridge across the canal and this was separate matter being taken forward by Officers with the Canal & River Trust as part of wider plans for the corridor.  Members also highlighted the opportunity to increase the affordable housing offer as the scheme was further refined.


The Overview & Scrutiny Committee had made a recommendation in relation to building heights (Minute 40 refers) and their comments were noted.  Reducing building heights would impact on the viability of the scheme.  It was agreed that this issue would be best addressed through the planning process.  It was noted that the scheme had been subject to extensive consultation and no concerns had been raised about the building heights.  The overwhelming response to the proposals had been positive.


At the conclusion of the discussion the DISDP was approved.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Draft Indicative Site Development Plan appended to the report be approved; and


(b)  That authority be delegated to the Director of Finance and Resources (s.151 officer), following consultation with the Leader, to relinquish a proportion of Slough Borough Council’s anticipated profit share from Stoke Wharf Development LLP and vary any legal agreements necessary to ensure that the level of affordable housing delivered on the site moves further towards policy compliance.


(c)  That the recommendation of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in relation to building heights be noted; and that such matters would be for the Planning Committee to consider and balance against viability and the scale of development.

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