Agenda item

Local Plan Spatial Strategy - Remaining Key Components


The Planning Policy Lead Officer introduced a report that set out the content of the remaining two ‘key components’ of the Preferred Spatial Strategy which would be subject of public consultation in November 2020.  The report covered the proposals for the ‘Centre of Slough’ and ‘Cross border expansion of Slough’.  The other three ‘key components’ had been considered by the Committee at the Extraordinary meeting held on 26th August 2020.


It was noted that based on the current standard methodology there was a need for 15,460 houses over the remaining 16 years of the plan period, which was an average of 966 a year.  One of the guiding principles of the Spatial Strategy was that development should be in the most accessible locations with the greatest capacity to absorb growth.  It was estimated that the centre of Slough could provide 9,000 dwellings over the next 20 years.  However, it was not considered that additional housing alone would deliver a step change in terms of regeneration and an employment led strategy was therefore proposed included an expanded Central Business District.  It was also recognised there would need to be enhanced leisure and cultural facilities and improved public realm to make the centre of Slough a more vibrant destination which attracted visitors. 


In relation to promoting cross border expansion it was noted that the sites identified would not be able to meet Slough’s identified housing need with a shortfall of 5,000 and that more family housing was required.  The cross border expansion of Slough was therefore being proposed and was a key component of the Spatial Strategy.  A Wider Area Growth Study was being undertaken and its report was expected by the end of the year.  Whilst the northern expansion of Slough had previously been proposed, in order not the prejudice the Wider Area Growth Study the Committee noted that the Spatial Strategy did not promote any specific form of development in this regard.  Members discussed the possible implications of recent government proposals to reform the planning system which could, if implemented, lead to a significant change in Slough’s housing requirement.


The Spatial Strategy would be considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 10th September followed by Cabinet on 12th October at which approval would be sought to commence public consultation in November and December.  At the conclusion of the discussion the Committee agreed the final two key components as the basis for the Preferred Spatial Strategy.


Resolved –  That the content of the two ‘key components’ for the ‘Centre of Slough’ and ‘Cross border expansion of Slough’ set out in the report be agreed as the basis for the Preferred Spatial Strategy for the Slough Local Plan.

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