Agenda item

Performance & Projects Report, Quarter 2 2020/21


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects, and progress against the Manifesto commitments be noted.


The Service Lead Strategy & Performance introduced a report that set out the latest performance information for the second quarter of the 2020/21 financial year to the end of September 2020 including the corporate balanced scorecard indicators, update on 26 key projects and progress on the current Manifesto commitments.


The report included four new performance indicators and new 2020/21 year end targets across the balanced scorecard.  The new measures were young people’s happiness, percentage of overweight and obese children in reception and year 6 and the number of service requests that took 90 or more days to close.  Progress on performance indicators had been variable in Quarter 2, primarily due to significant impacts of the Covid-19.  Of the balanced scorecard indicators for the second quarter, nine were ‘green’, eight were ‘amber’ and four were ‘red’.


The impacts of Covid-19 were highlighted and the Council and partners were continuing to analyse the position as part of its recovery planning.  Some of the short term effects were increased unemployment, pressures on services, lower Council Tax and Business Rates collection, shorter journey time and reduce crime rates.  The Section 151 Officer explained the action was being taken to collect Council Tax and Business Rates during the pandemic.  Reminder letters and other proactive work had brought in circa £1m of owed income in the past month.  Collection figures would be reviewed and be part of the report on Council taxbases which would come to Cabinet in January.


The progress of key projects was summarised and it was noted that 46% were ‘green’, 35% were ‘amber’ and 19% were ‘red’.  In relation to reporting on manifesto commitments, it was noted that due to the postponement of the local elections in May 2020 the report continued to update against the pledges for 2019/20.  Lead Members asked about the future of the Adelphi site and the Executive Director of Place confirmed that the building was an important part of the cultural strategy and it was envisaged the building would be a mixed use performance space with strong community links.  A question was asked about the progress of the Violence Task Force and it was noted that the work done in Slough had been recognised nationally as good practice, particularly the engagement with community groups and young people.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the performance report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the performance indicators within the balanced scorecard, the progress status of the gold projects, and progress against the Manifesto commitments be noted.

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