Agenda item

Slough Place Winter Plan 2020/21


The Executive Place Managing Director introduced a report that outlined the Winter Plan for health services in Slough. 


The Chair welcomed NHS East Berkshire CCG representatives in attendance, and invited Sangeeta Saran (Interim Director of Operations) and Dr Nanda to introduce themselves.


The Interim Director of Operations provided a presentation that detailed the Winter Plan 2020/21, including:


·  Primary Care provision during winter 2020/2;

·  arrangements for hot and cold sites for pressures resulting from the winter period and future waves of Covid-19;

·  Flu vaccination planning; and

·  community and integrated care services available to Slough residents.


Following the conclusion of the presentation, the Chair invited comments and questions from the Panel.


During the course of the discussion, the following points were raised:


·  Members welcomed the report that there had been an increase in the uptake of the flu vaccination, compared to previous years. 

·  It was asked if any lessons learnt from the previous year had been used to inform the Winter Plan 2020/21.  It was explained that due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was difficult to draw a comparison with the previous year.  For 2020/21 a ‘placed based plan’ had been established, which enabled the particular needs of Slough residents to be addressed.  It was recommended that a localised approach be adopted in future years, to provide a comprehensive offer.  It was noted that details of the Social Care Winter Plan would be added to the Winter Plan. 

·  A Member asked if Slough walk-in centres would be reopened.  It was explained that currently walk-in centres would remain closed.  The closure of the centres had allowed staff resources to be redeployed and undertaken face-to-face home visits.


The Chair thanked the Executive Place Managing Director and the NHS representatives for the presentation and report.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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