Agenda item

Slough Inclusive Growth Strategy Update


(a)  That it be noted that the Inclusive Growth Strategy and the associated action plan formed the organising framework for the public-private Slough Regeneration, Economy and Skills Board.


(b)  That the initial key projects being delivered under the framework for the Inclusive Growth Strategy, which also formed part of the Recovery and Renewal Strategy, be noted.


The Lead Member for Inclusive Growth & Skills and the Service Lead for Economic Development introduced an update on the delivery and implementation of the Inclusive Growth Strategy which had been adopted by the Cabinet in June 2020.


The Regeneration, Economy and Skills Board (RES) had been set up as a strong public-private sector partnership to deliver key projects in the strategy.  Several projects were in progress including Slough Innovation Space which would focus on research & development and innovation and a Future Skills Hub to address employability, which was a key priority as part of the Covid-19 recovery.  The Hub would offer a sector based academy approach including a Construction Academy and a new Berkshire wide Health & Care Academy.


The Cabinet reiterated its strong support for the strategy which set out clear priorities and actions to support economic growth and crucially how opportunities could be provided to Slough residents.  Lead Members discussed the role and membership of the RES Board and asked how small businesses were being engaged.  The Officer recognised the vital role that such firms had in growing Slough’s economy and confirmed they were represented by the Chamber of Commerce.  The internal governance issues were raised and it was suggested that the Cabinet be provided with an annual update.  The recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That it be noted that the Inclusive Growth Strategy and the associated action plan formed the organising framework for the public-private Slough Regeneration, Economy and Skills Board.


(b)  That the initial key projects being delivered under the framework for the Inclusive Growth Strategy, which also formed part of the Recovery and Renewal Strategy, be noted.

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