Agenda item

References from Overview & Scrutiny

·  NCS Scrutiny Panel, 18th November 2020 – RMI Contract


That the recommendation of the Neighbourhoods & Community Services Scrutiny Panel from its meeting on 18th November 2020 on the RMI contract be accepted and that an audit of the full contract be carried out as soon practically possible.


The Chair of Neighbourhoods & Community Services Scrutiny Panel, Councillor Hulme, introduced a reference report from their meeting held on 18th November 2020 relating to the Repairs, Maintenance & Investment (RMI) contract, that:


“Internal audit conduct a comprehensive and wide ranging review of the contract with Osborne to evaluate whether the objectives and performance measures were being met. Councillors and residents should be engaged in that review”.


Councillor Hulme summarised some of the issues that had particularly concerned the Panel, which included the large backlog of repairs, the volume and time taken to resolve complaints and the fact improvement plans had not been made available to the Panel.  Members had recognised there had been some recent improvements with a new management team coming into place, however, members of the Panel had stated they did not have full confidence that improvement would lead to the outcomes originally specified in the contract.  The Panel had concluded that an internal audit be conducted to review the contract.


The Executive Director of Customer & Community explained that work was already underway with Osborne’s to continue to improve delivery after a difficult period and advised the Cabinet that the recommendation could be accepted.  Lead Members also supported the recommendation, although given the work programme of internal audit it was proposed and agreed that the review take place as soon as practicable, which was envisaged to be within six months of 2021.  Notwithstanding the audit, the Cabinet emphasised the importance of continuing to work with Osborne’s to address performance issues.


The recommendation was then agreed and the Cabinet thanked the Panel for the extensive work they had carried out on this matter.


Councillor Strutton made a request to speak under Rule 30, however, no prior notification had been given and the request was therefore refused.


Resolved –  That the recommendation of the Neighbourhoods & Community Services Scrutiny Panel from its meeting on 18th November 2020 on the RMI contract be accepted and that an audit of the full contract be carried out as soon practicably possible.

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