Agenda item

A4 Cycle Highway


(a)  That the background to the scheme proposal be noted.


(b)  That the recommendation to introduce a segregated/part segregated east-west cycle highway along the A4 be noted.


(c)  That the estimated financial commitment for the project be noted.


(d)  That a further paper be brought back to Cabinet for decision when the project has been detailed.


The Service Lead Major Infrastructure Projects introduced a report that informed the Cabinet of initial plans for a proposed east-west cycle route along the A4 between the Huntercombe roundabout to the town centre.


The concept was that the cycle route would use existing wide verges, service roads and the existing shared path to establish a segregated/part segregated route.  The proposals had been drawn up as part of the wider ambitions of the Council to promote sustainable travel and reduce carbon emissions.  The estimated financial cost of the scheme was £2m to £2.5m and a variety of funding sources may be available to help fund the scheme.  It was proposed that a business case be developed before seeking capital approval.


The Cabinet welcomed the concept in principle.  A significant amount of feedback to the A4 bus and cycle lane had been received that would be relevant to this scheme and that suggested cyclists valued segregated lanes to improve safety.  Lead Members asked that wide consultation be carried out in developing the scheme, including with those who did not currently cycle.  It would also be important to work with schools and parents to try to design a scheme that would encourage them to shift from car use.  The potential timetable was discussed and it was noted that the design phase and development of the business case could possibly be completed by March 2021, although there were a number of pinchpoints and potential conflicts on the route which may take longer to resolve.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton welcomed the scheme in principle and commented that the principle of segregated provision should be considered for other cycle lanes in Slough as well as the A4.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Cabinet agreed the recommendations to carry out further design of the scheme.


Resolved –


(a)  That the background to the scheme proposal be noted.


(b)  That the recommendation to introduce a segregated/part segregated east-west cycle highway along the A4 be noted.


(c)  That the estimated financial commitment for the project be noted.


(d)  That a further paper be brought back to Cabinet for decision when the project has been detailed.

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