Agenda item

Situation Report - Verbal Update on Covid-19 Situation in Slough


The Service Lead Public Health gave a presentation to the Panel to provided an overview of the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Slough.


The Panel noted the following:


·  Cases in Slough had started to fall again, but at a slower rate than national and regional comparators.

·  There was still a high number of cases in the 17-21 year old age group, although it was currently reducing.

·  The mortality rate was currently in line with the seasonal average with 7 Covid-19 deaths reported in week ending 13th November.

·  The number of outbreaks was stable with some reported in schools.

·  The proportion of tests coming back as positive had decreased from 12.1% to 11.8%.

·  The Government had announced that Slough would enter Tier 3 at the end of the current national ‘lockdown’.  This was the highest tier.


Members of the Panel, and Councillors Strutton and Gahir speaking under Rule 30, asked a number of questions during the course of a wide ranging discussion.  The key points are summarised as follows:


·  The reasons case rates in Slough weren’t falling as quickly as many of areas was raised.  The Service Lead commented that there were likely to be several contributory factors including a high number of multi-generational households, population density, a large number of people with existing conditions and people in front facing occupations.  It was noted that household mixing was a major driver of community transmission and it was crucial these rules were followed.  The impact of events which may increase mixing such as Diwali and Christmas was raised.


·  It was recognised that communications was crucial and Members asked what more could be done.  The Panel was informed that a review of communications messages was taking place, including input from a behavioural scientist, to try to further improve and reinforce messaging.  A social listening survey had also been carried out to try to better understand the reasons for non-compliance with Covid-19 rules and the results would be available soon.


·  A Member asked what more could be done to enforce the restrictions and to promote compliance.  The Council worked closely with Thames Valley Police who had the main enforcement powers.  Intelligence about businesses breaching regulations were responded to by the Council or relevant partners and action would be taken where appropriate.  Six new Covid Information Officers had also recently been appointed to operate between 2pm to 11pm to reinforce messages.  The Panel said it would welcome further information in future reports on the number of reported breaches attended by Covid Information Officers.


·  Some parents were concerned about sending their children to school and the approach and sanctions for non-attendance was discussed.  Schools had carried out detailed risk assessments and put in place a wide range of mitigation measures.  The Service Lead informed Members of the work being undertaken with schools, including responding quickly to any positive cases, tracing and isolating bubbles.


·  Several questions were asked about the new Tier 3 restrictions, specifically travelling to neighbouring areas which were in lower tiers for health or education reasons.  It was confirmed that there were travel exemptions which meant it was permitted to travel for medical appointments or to get to school or college.  The thresholds for local authorities being moved up or down a tier was not clear, but the Government had stated the criteria included case rates, cases in the over 60s, pressures on health services and the proportion of positive tests.


·  Vaccine availability was discussed including whether BAME communities may receive priority access.  The prioritisation criteria was set nationally and included age, care home residents and health workers.


At the conclusion of the discussion the status report was noted.


Resolved –  The update was noted.

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