Agenda item

Frimley Health and Care System Winter Plan


The Panel received a presentation from representatives of Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Danny Bailey and Jo Hunter, on the Winter Plan for the health and care system.


It was recognised that a very challenging winter lay ahead and the Panel was assured that a robust plan was in place to address annual winter pressures and the impacts of Covid-19.  The key aspects of the plan were outlined which showed how various workstreams and actions were in place which applied to organisations across the health system.  This included plans for urgent and emergency care, hospital based care, community care and flu planning.  Acute hospitals would be working closely with partners, including local authorities, to deliver the plan.


Members of the Panel, and Councillor Strutton speaking under Rule 30, discussed a range of issues including the ability of the NHS to cope with Covid-19 and the flu season simultaneously.  Plans were in place to test hospital patients for flu and Covid-19 and avoid mixing patients.  More people had been vaccinated against flu this year and the Covid-19 measures such as masks and social distancing were likely to have an impact on spread of other respiratory viruses this winter.  It was extremely difficult to model the specific impacts that the current situation would have on flu, but the plans in place were designed to respond quickly.


The impact of Covid-19 on other hospital services such as Accident & Emergency and cancer was raised.  Some cancer services had been reduced initially in response to Covid-19, however, they had been rebuilt throughout the year.  The Trust had continued to meet its cancer targets.  A series of measures were in place to seek to avoid unnecessary emergency admissions, for example through the 111 service.


The Panel thanked Mr Bailey and Ms Hunter for their presentation and for the exceptional work that was being done by staff in the Trust in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Resolved –  That the update be noted.

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