Agenda item

Britwell Centre and Localities Update


(a)  Approved the business case for the Contract Award with an estimated value of £3 million for the construction works remodelling of Britwell Hub;


(b)  Approved the Council to enter into a funding agreement with NHS England;


(c)  Approved the leasing of the Britwell GP Hub at an abated rent assessed by the District Valuer;


(d)  Delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration to agree the terms of and enter into the required legal documents to facilitate the lease of Britwell GP Hub and re-location of the existing contact centre;


(e)  Approved the proposed relocation of the Slough Children’s Services Trust Contact Centre to Cippenham Community Centre;


(f)  Noted the revised timescales on the Britwell Hub;


(g)  Noted the progress on the localities programme.


The Cabinet received a report and detailed presentation that updated on the Localities workstream projects and particularly on the proposed remodelling of the Britwell Hub to include the relocation of the Avenue GP practice.  The report also proposed the refurbishment of the small hall at Cippenham Community Centre to provide a new location for the Slough Children’s Services Trust Contact Centre.


The Part II Appendices containing exempt financial information were considered and noted without disclosing any of the exempt information.


Lead Members noted the updated position on the Britwell Hub remodelling.  The proposal was aligned to the One Public Estate strategy and the Council’s Localities Strategy.  The presentation covered the health issues in Britwell and the business case set out how collaboration between the Council, Clinical Commissioning Group and Avenue Medical Centre/Farnham Road Surgery would help deliver improved health outcomes.  A summary of the specific health benefits of co-locating the surgery was provided which included services that local residents currently had to travel elsewhere for.  If approved it was expected that construction would begin in March and completed by December 2021.  Lead Members sought assurance that the new health services would be sustained and CCG representatives at the meeting set out the “co-production” approach that would be taken with local people and partners.  The recommendations were agreed.


The Cabinet also discussed progress on the delivery of other sites in the Localities Strategy.  It was noted that the new Chalvey Hub construction had been completed and Trelawney Avenue was due to be considered for planning approval in February 2021.  The updated was noted.


Resolved –


(a)  That the business case for the Contract Award with an estimated value of £3 million for the construction works remodelling of Britwell Hub be approved;


(b)  That the Council enter into a funding agreement with NHS England;


(c)  That the leasing of the Britwell GP Hub at an abated rent assessed by the District Valuer be approved;


(d)  That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Place to agree the terms of and enter into the required legal documents to facilitate the lease of Britwell GP Hub and re-location of the existing contact centre;


(e)  That the proposed relocation of the Slough Children’s Services Trust Contact Centre to Cippenham Community Centre be approved;


(f)  That the revised timescales on the Britwell Hub be noted;


(g)  That the progress on the localities programme be noted.

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