Agenda item

Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust Five Year Strategy Update


Daniel Bailey of Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation that updated on the Trust’s five-year strategy, Our future FHFT 2020-25.


The vision was “to be a leader in health and wellbeing, delivering exceptional services for our local communities.”  The strategy had been published in October 2019 and detailed plans were expected to have been put in place at the beginning of 2020 with a view to the strategy being implemented from 1st April 2020.  The six strategic ambitions were noted as:


·  Improving quality for patients;

·  Supporting our people;

·  Collaborating with our partners;

·  Transforming our services;

·  Making our money work; and

·  Advancing our digital capability.


Whilst the initial response to the Covid-19 pandemic had delayed some aspects of the strategy the Panel noted that key elements had been implemented and some areas accelerated ahead of schedule.  Mr Bailey highlighted that the very significant Covid-19 pressures on the Trust since Christmas had led to a pause on implementation.  The plan had been designed to be flexible and had been reviewed to take account of the learning from the pandemic.  The original six strategic aims were still relevant and were central to the refreshed strategy which was now in place to deliver on the vision through to 2025.


Members asked a number of questions about the impact of Covid-19 on the strategy and it was responded that it had not effected the overall timeline but that the plans would be reviewed annually at a minimum.  The appendix to the report set out the objectives, actions and measures through to 2022 and Mr Bailey updated on progress in a number of areas such as Electronic Patient Record System. 


A question was asked about the progress the Trust was making to integrate services with partners, on prevention and to support peoples care following discharge from hospital.  Mr Bailey emphasised that the Trust was committed to collaborating with partners which was a key aim of the their strategy.  He explained the significant amount of work undertaken to work with the Council and others such as weekly meetings and engagement with residents.  In relation to prevention the Trust provided input into health education and worked closely with partners to develop pathways and triage patients issues so they received the most appropriate support.  Work was constantly underway to improve online information and resources and it was planned to put more advice leaflets and information online.


The Panel asked how the Trust planned to meet the very different health and care needs and inequalities across the large Frimley area.  Mr Bailey assured the Panel that the Trust had taken the different needs fully into account in developing the plan.  Consultation had taken place with public health partners to understand the issues in communities across the Frimley footprint.  Diabetes was the largest chronic condition in the areas and Mr Bailey described the work going on to address and prevent it, including helping individuals better monitor and manage their own conditions.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton referred to the long standing challenges of electronic patient records and handling data.  He asked how the technical and data sharing challenges were being managed.  Mr Bailey summarised the significant amount of work that had been taken on procurement, design and engagement with clinician and GPs.  He confirmed that Epic had been chosen as the provider and they supplied a number of other authorities.  Assurance was provided that this area was a priority, was led by an executive director and was appropriately resourced.


At the conclusion of the discussion the Chair thanked the Trust for the work they were doing and for the presentation to the Panel.


Resolved –  That details of the update on Our future FHFT 2020-25 strategy be noted.

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