Agenda item

P/07383/010 - Former leisure centre site, car park, streamside area and woodland, Montem Lane

Officer’s Recommendation:  Delegate to the Planning Manager for approval





Full planning permission for residential development (Use Class C3); car and cycle parking; public realm, landscaping works and amenity space; access from Montem Lane; and all ancillary works and infrastructure. Including enhancements to woodland and streamside area.


Delegated to the Planning Manager for approval subject to:


·  The resolution of the issue raised by Natural England.

·  Satisfactory completion of a Section 106 planning obligation agreement to secure financial contributions towards education, Habitat Regulations Assessment mitigation, travel plan monitoring, controlled parking zone and additional open space maintenance costs plus secure a travel plan, information pack, highway agreement, 20% affordable housing, two stage viability review, local marketing strategy, secure adequate off site school parent parking space.

·  finalising conditions; and any other minor changes.

·  agreement of the pre-commencement conditions with the applicant/agent

·  Approval of application ref S/00119/017 (to secure re-provision of ice arena overflow parking off site);


Or Refuse the application if the outstanding matters were not satisfactorily concluded or if the completion of the Section 106 planning obligation was not finalised by 31st August 2021 unless a longer period is agreed by the Planning Manager in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee.



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