Agenda item

SACRE Finance Update


The Senior Effectiveness Officer advised that £1,300 funding relating to the 2016 purchase of RE resources had now been resolved. 


Funding remaining from April 2020-March 2021 was noted at £2,182. A creditor’s schedule had been submitted but not yet confirmed.


The SACRE budget of £5,000 for 2021-22 was expected but also had yet to be confirmed.


The Adviser suggested that schools would find it useful to be provided with a copy of ‘Making Every RE Lesson Count’ by Louise Hutton and Dawn Cox (a practical guide to RE). Fifty one copies for all schools would be at a cost of £650. The Adviser would send further details to the Chair to review and ascertain whether the book would be appropriate for all schools.


During discussions about ways that the £1.300 sum of money could be used to support schools, the following comments/ suggestions were made:


·  Invite Robin Launder to provide a training session on Humanism (Details to be publicised in the SACRE newsletter once date has been confirmed).

·  Revisit the Crossing the Bridges project.


Resolved - That the Budget update be noted.