Agenda item

P/02272/030 - Buildings 1 and 3, The Future Works, Wellington Street, Slough, SL1 1FQ

Officer’s Recommendation:  Delegate to the Planning Manager for Approval





Construction of two office buildings, at 12 storeys in height and 11 storeys in height (plus basements) and a single storey pavilion building, to include flexible uses at ground floor (uses at ground floor and mezzanine level within 3 The Future Works) to comprise a mix of office, parking, shop, financial and professional services, gym, café/restaurant, pub or drinking establishment, health centre dentist/and or community floorspace, and associated landscaping, access, car parking and public realm works.



Delegated to the Planning Manager for approval, pending:


(a)   the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure financial contributions towards sustainable transport improvements including electrical vehicle infrastructure in the town centre, car club spaces, the relocation of an existing EV charger, public realm and landscaping enhancements and provision of Travel Plan and Section 278 highways/access works;


(b)  finalising conditions, including modifying Condition 13 to cover recessed areas, and any other minor changes; or


Refuse the application if the completion of the Section 106 Agreement was not finalised by 10th September 2021 unless a longer period was agreed by the Planning Manager in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee.



Supporting documents: