Agenda item

Local Plan Spatial Strategy - Initial Report on Public Consultation


The Planning Policy Lead Officer introduced a report that provided an overview of the responses to the public consultation exercise on the Spatial Strategy.


The consultation had been held between 9th November 2020 to 11th January 2021 and the report set out the initial findings.  A fuller report would be produced and published in due course.  The consultation methods had been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic which had limited exhibitions and public meetings.  However, the Council had sought to reach as many people as possible through digital technology and social media, a leaflet sent to every household in Slough and adverts in the local press.  The overall level of response was disappointing, partly due to the restricted means of consultation as well as the general difficulty in engaging the wider population in consultations of this type.  A total of 310 responses were received, mostly through the online consultation hub, and it was considered that this was sufficient to get an overall impression of local people’s views.  It was noted that a significant number of responses (35%) had been submitted from people in South Bucks which was particularly relevant in questions relating to the proposed expansion of Slough.


The headline results from the consultation were summarised.  There was general support for the overall strategy set out, with no substantive proposals submitted for an alternative strategy.  This was important as it meant the Council could proceed with the next stages in the production of the Local Plan.  The Committee noted that:


·  59% of respondents agreed that “…it was acceptable to plan for a shortfall of homes within the Borough boundary and promote the cross border expansion instead.”

·  When asked where more homes should be built, 52% said in the centre of Slough; 49% by using some employment land, 30% intensification of suburban areas and 11% be releasing some Green Belt land on the edge of the Borough.

·  87% of respondents agreed that “… the centre of Slough was the right place for major developments.”  57% thought the centre of Slough “…should have a different mix of uses in the future”, with demand expressed for more leisure and culture, retail and residential provision.

·  There were limited opportunities for major development outside of the centre of Slough but some new proposals were made including the Marriott Hotel site on London Road.

·  There was overwhelming support (89%) for the proposal of protecting family housing and the distinct character and environment of the suburbs.  There was support more widely for the concept of enabling people to ‘live locally’ by provided local facilities.

·  72% agreed that the strategic gap should be protected, although it was noted that many respondents appeared to support this in order to prevent the expansion of Heathrow.


The Committee noted that next steps and future work which included a fuller report, technical work and a consultation on the Green Belt.  The second part of the Growth Study was being completed, although it was noted that Buckinghamshire Council had withdrawn its participation from the joint study.  Members discussed the response rate and the potential Green Belt sites for release.  At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That the initial results of the public consultation on the Spatial Strategy be noted;


(b)  That a full report on the Response to Public Consultation be produced and published.

Supporting documents: