Agenda item

Updated Acceptable Use of Systems and Technology Policy Report


The Associate Director, Chief Digital and Information Officer introduced the report. The updated acceptable use of systems and technology policy wrapped up five previous separate discreet policies in ths area. Subject to approval by members, officers would publicise the updated policy and provide learning opportunities for staff to ensure they were fully aware of their obligations with regard to the policy and to protect the council from cyber threats.


There were questions from members on training timescales and on compliance. On training it was explained that if the updated policy was approved, officers would start in the next few days to work with HR on raising awarenes of the policy and on training including e-learning and in-person training. Action would not be taken against any staff regarding policy breaches until they had been given the opportunity to learn and take in the policy.


On compliance a member asked if there had been any reported cases of non-compliance in the past year. The AD stated that while he was aware that there had been some issues in the past with internal use of IT, this had not been recent. External threats were constantly monitored and evidence of some activity had been seen in this area and countered using the tools available to IT colleagues.


Resolved – That the Committee approved the adoption of the latest version of the Acceptable Use of Systems and Technology Policy.

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