Issue - decisions

Budget Strategy 2012/13

07/10/2011 - Medium Term Financial Strategy (REPORT TO FOLLOW)

a)  The Council’s current projected Revenue Budget for 2012/13 to 2015/16 be noted.

b)  The assumptions underlying the Medium Term Financial Plan be noted.

c)  Approved the overarching savings strategy and targets as set out in Appendix A of the report and request further development of additional proposals to meet remaining budget deficit.

d)  Agreed the areas of Directorate based savings proposals as summarised in para 5.7 of the report, and request officers, to implement them with immediate effect where possible. (Taken as an urgent decision)*

e)  Agreed the specific proposals set out in section 5.15 of the report requesting officers, to implement them with immediate effect where possible.(Taken as an urgent decision)*

f)  Any in year under-spends arising as a result of early implementation of savings, are allocated as a 50/50 split between; further improving the protection afforded by the general fund balances and agreed directorate based invest to save initiatives.

g)  The Chief Executive as Head of Paid Service and the Strategic Director of Resources as the S 151 Officer following consultation with Commissioners be authorised to approve changes to the Council’s establishment as a result of delivery of the savings as at appendix A.