Issue - decisions

Tower & Ashbourne Houses Update

12/01/2018 - Tower & Ashbourne Houses Update

(a)  That Tower House and Ashbourne Houses be demolished;


(b)  That the allocation of funds of £1.57m in the 2018/19 HRA capital programme to this project be approved in addition to the underspend (estimated £2.68m) to be carried forward from 2017/18 to complete the emptying of the blocks, including the potential requirement to take CPO action;


(c)  That the allocation of funds of £1.57m in the 2018/19 HRA capital programme be recommended to full Council;


(d)  That officers proceed with submitting a planning application for a new scheme; and


(e)  That the Director for Finance & Resources, Neighbourhood Services Lead and Cabinet Member for Corporate Finance & Housing, in conjunction with the recommendations of the Housing Option Appraisal, determine the funding for the remodelling of the site.


(f)  That an update report be provided to the Cabinet on the indicative work programme and design prior to the submission of a planning application.