Issue - decisions

Trelawney Avenue Community Hub

15/02/2019 - Trelawney Avenue Redevelopment and Hub

(a)  That subject to planning requirements and highways restrictions associated with car parking spaces, note that the eventual use of the proposed third floor of the SBC element could be either 350m2 of office space or 5 residential apartments;


(b)  That the disposal of the freehold interest in land in Trelawney Avenue (as outlined in red on the plan in Appendix C and described as the “development site”) to Karter Developments Limited, subject to planning, for a sum to be agreed between parties based on independent valuations carried out February 2018 as set out in the Heads of Terms (attached as Confidential Appendix B) be agreed;


(c)  That it be noted that a new Council Hub, healthcare facilities and housing would be built on the site by KDL;


(d)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration to appropriate the development site from the HRA for a sum to be agreed once the sale price is finalised;


(e)  That subject to approval of (a) and (b), delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration following consultation with the Leader of the Council and the s151 Officer to agree the final configuration of the building, all financial and non-financial terms of the HoTs and the Building Agreement, agree the final red line plan for disposal and the final value of investment by the Council;


(f)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration to approve all financial and non-financial terms in relation to the disposal of the 4 houses funded by the Council which will be offered to the HRA and thereafter to James Elliman Homes.  In the event that neither party be interested, the fall back position would be an open market sale;


(g)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration to approve all financial and non-financial terms in relation to the proposed purchase and subsequent disposal of the apartments above the SBC freehold site;


(h)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Regeneration, acting in consultation with the s151 Officer and the Leader of the Council to introduce, approve and agree a project contingency of up to 15% of the total project cost for the SBC element (as set out in the associated Part II report), provided such an increase did not impact on the viability of the project or the Council’s short-term financial plan;


(i)  That any profit after the land transactions in (a) and (f) would be reinvested into construction of the Council element of the new Hub and 4 houses with the balance funded by the Council;


(j)  That it be noted that officers would continue to explore options to collocate the library within the SBC hub.