Issue - decisions

Localities Strategy

15/02/2019 - Localities Strategy

(a)  That the over-riding proposal for a Localities Strategy be agreed and that it be aligned to the three operating areas (North, South and East) of the Council’s strategic partners as set out in Appendix A to the report.


(b)  That the proposals be agreed for the six buildings to be located within the operating areas as set out in the report in section 5.9.


(c)  That the programme set out in section 5.11 in the report and the potential future opportunities across the Council’s wider asset base and two former parish buildings in Britwell and Wexham be noted.


(d)  That an update report be presented to Cabinet in June or July 2019.


(e)  That a working group of Councillors (including relevant Lead and Ward Members) and officers be formed to monitor project delivery and that an update on these arrangements be provided in the next report to Cabinet.