Issue - decisions

Transport for the South East

08/03/2019 - Transport for the South East

(a)  That Slough Borough Council join Transport for the South East in the capacity of Local Transport Authority, as a constituent authority.


(b)  That membership be exercised via the existing joint committee (Berkshire Local Transport Body). In this capacity, Slough Borough Council will be a joint and equal member of the Berkshire Local Transport Body (BLTB), which will effectively be treated as a county authority within the TFSE organisation.


(c)  That the establishment of TFSE as a subnational transport body be supported.


(d)  That the geographical extents of the TFSE region, and the governance structure of TFSE including membership status, voting rights and responsibilities be noted.


(e)  That the importance of TFSE in achieving success in the following ways be noted:

·  Increasing transport connectivity across the South East, maximising the benefit of cross-boundary links and regional travel;

·  Increasing economic growth across the South East;

·  Improving air quality in the South East

·  Endorsing and contributing to the subnational transport body’s ability and powers to lobby central government and seek increased funding, over and above the opportunities that would otherwise be available to Slough Borough Council as an individual authority;

·  Supporting the Slough Borough Council Transport Vision, the SBC Low Emission Strategy, the overall SBC Local Plan and all related core transport and environmental policies.

(f)  That it be recognised that the recent and ongoing success of membership of the Berkshire Local Transport Body, within the Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), with reference to Slough’s status as a constituent member of these partner organisations and the resultant success in terms of enhancements to the borough in terms of enhanced infrastructure, transportation, economic growth and all areas of sustainability.