Issue - decisions

Business Improvement District for Slough Town Centre

05/04/2019 - Business Improvement District for Slough Town Centre

(a)  That the progress of the Slough BID development phase be noted;


(b)  That the responsibility of casting a Yes vote, on behalf of the Council in the Slough BID ballot to be held in June 2019, be delegated to the Director of Regeneration following consultation with the Leader of Slough Borough Council and portfolio holder for Regeneration & Strategy;


(c)  If a No vote was recommended by Cabinet, a further report would be delivered to Cabinet to note the next steps;


(d)  That the Director of Regeneration and / or his nominee(s) be nominated as the Council’s officer representatives on the BID Company Board once it was set up following a successful ballot;


(e)  That subject to a Yes vote at ballot by the business community of Slough town centre, the Council as relevant local billing authority would manage the billing and collection of the additional levy, and its transfer to the Slough BID company;


(f)  That it be noted that the Authority would pay a levy of approximately £155,000 over the five year term of the BID against a total approximate levy income of £2,050,000 


(g)  That the start date for the BID be noted as 1st April 2020.