Issue - decisions

Community Investment Fund 2019/20 Update

08/11/2019 - Community Investment Fund

That the following changes to the Community Investment Fund be approved:


1.  A single officer would be responsible for the end to end management of the Community Investment Fund process with authority to approve/reject applications and control and report on the status of each project.


2.  Reports would be submitted to the Capital Monitoring Board, on a quarterly basis, on the spending of the fund and the amount remaining.


3.  Projects requiring specialist design, engineering input and/or planning permission/consultation need to be submitted by 31 August; other projects needed to be submitted by 31 January.  To support this information would go out to all Ward Councillors about the launch of each year’s fund giving them all the information they would need about criteria, timetable and how to apply.


4.  Cabinet noted that work to assess financial liabilities on the Council as a result of budget pressures was ongoing and as a result the pause on revenue allocations remained in place.