Issue - decisions

Stoke Road Area Regeneration Scheme

06/09/2019 - Stoke Road Corridor Transport and Highway Improvement Works

(a)  That the offer of the Berkshire Local Transport Body (BLTB) to provide £7.65 Million from the Local Growth Fund Stream 3 funding towards the cost of the proposed improvement schemes be welcomed;


(b)  That the design of the scheme as outlined in paras Section 4 of the report be agreed in principle subject to the development of the designs through the detailed design process;


(c)  That Officers proceed to secure the land agreements required to receive the new footbridge span over the Grand Union Canal as indicated on the supporting information in Section 5 of the report; to be carried out in agreement with Canal River Trust and Slough Urban Regeneration (SUR);


(d)  That the results of the consultation exercise completed on Friday 1st February 2019 be accepted and the installation of the scheme be approved.


(e)  That Officers investigate further opportunities, made possible by implementation of the scheme, to work towards the aims of the recently released Transport Vision document; in particular to reduce congestion, improve air quality by promoting public transport and reducing the dominance of the car as a mode of travel.