Issue - decisions

Town Centre Regeneration Update and Transport Strategy

24/01/2020 - Town Centre Regeneration Update and Transport Strategy

(a)  That the inter-dependency between the Centre of Slough Regeneration Framework and the emerging Transport Strategy and Car Parking Strategy be noted.


(b)  That the Car parking Strategy and Transport Strategy be scheduled for approval by Cabinet in Q3 2020/21.


(c)  That the Framework Masterplan should test the following propositions to reduce the impact of traffic on the highway network:


i.  Subject to further detailed modelling, bus lanes be introduced along the entire length of the A4;

ii.  Junctions along the A4 are upgraded to accommodate bus priority.

iii.  Guard-rails along the A4 be removed, subject to risk assessments, to facilitate better access for pedestrians, cycling and public transport.

iv.  car parking ratios be reduced on commercial and residential developments in the Town Centre and around the borough to ensure the objectives of the Regeneration Framework and the Transport Strategy are met.

v.  A new Multi-Storey Car Parking (“MSCP”) Strategy be introduced to inform and support the regeneration framework and planning policy for the town centre.