Issue - decisions

Accommodation Update

06/03/2020 - Assets Update

(a)  That it be noted that despite positive and negative variations in actual costs against the business case to move to 25 Windsor Road and the redevelopment of St Martin’s Place into affordable housing, the Council is still projecting to make operational savings within three years of purchase as set out in the original business case.


(b)  That it be agreed to revert to the original proposal to remodel St Martin’s Place to provide affordable housing.


(c)  That delegate authority be given to the Interim Director of Regeneration to enter into a Pre-Construction Services Agreement with Slough Urban Renewal and approve a budget of £250,000 for SUR to undertake a range of building surveys and preliminary design.


(d)  That SBC should offer the opportunity for the Slough Children’s Services Trust to move (mainly) into the 4th floor of Observatory House, with SBC managing the move and covering all reasonable costs.


(e)  That the content of Confidential Appendix One be noted.