Issue - decisions

Langley High Street Improvement Works ( from Meadfield Road Junction to Elmhurst Road)

03/07/2020 - Langley High Street Improvement Works ( from Meadfield Road Junction to Elmhurst Road)

(a)  That the conditional offer of the Berkshire Local Transport Body (BLTB) to provide £1.324m for Harrow Market to Meadfield Rd and £1.033m from Meadfield Rd to Elmhurst Rd from the Local Growth funding stream towards the cost of these improvement works be welcomed;


(b)  That it be agreed in principle the design of the scheme as outlined in Section 5 subject to the development of the designs through the detailed design process; and


(c)  That further discussions be approved with the trustees of the Langley War Memorial Field and the Parks Team about small boundary adjustments on the eastern side of the field to accommodate the new highways design.