ePetition details

Petition to Reject the Planning Application to redevelop The Former Willow Tree site

We the undersigned petition the council to Refuse the planning application submitted to demolish the former Willow Tree pub (Millionaires Restaurant) and redevelop the site for a part single thru to a part 5 storey building to accommodate 41 residential units with associated parking and amenities.

The issues with this proposed development are:
> Greater road congestion and more localized air pollution; already traffic in Langley is unbearable at peak times
> Lack of parking for residents within the development (28 spaces across 41 units, equating to an allocation on 0.65 per unit) - where will all of the other cars park?
> The effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding area and the living conditions of nearby residents with particular reference to the overbearing presence, visual intrusion and loss of privacy
> By virtue of its depth, height and associated bulk it would not be in keeping with the current 2 storey houses on Alderbury Road
> This building would also create an unacceptable degree of overlooking of neighbouring and adjacent properties; the proposal would therefore be detrimental to the amenities enjoyed by the occupiers of the neighbouring properties and beyond
Please help to stop this development being passed by the Planning Committee........

This ePetition ran from 11/11/2019 to 09/12/2019 and has now finished.

412 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

I am writing in response to the e-petition by Langley residents which ran from 11 November to 9 December 2019. Please accept my apologies for the delay in providing this formal response.

I comment as follows on key issues raised in the e-petition:

(i) Living conditions of nearby residents including overlooking of neighbouring and adjacent properties, which is detrimental to the amenities enjoyed by the neighbouring occupiers:

Following our discussion when we met on 7th February, we requested amendments and further information to address this issue. Plans with minor amendments and clarification of the landscaping scheme were subsequently provided, which we consider did not overcome this issue and we have therefore requested further amendments. I would expect that we will reconsult on any amended drawings that are provided.

(ii) Character and appearance, including not be being in keeping with the scale of existing houses on Alderbury Road:

While continuing to consider this aspect of the scheme, we have also asked the applicant to provide some amendments to the design of the building, which in our view would improve the way that the building would fit into the surrounding area.

(iii) Traffic congestion and car parking:

The applicant has provided additional information on highways issues, which is currently being reviewed by our Highways Officer.

(iv) Air pollution

The Council’s Air Quality & Environmental Noise Technical Officer has commented on the application and requested appropriate conditions, in the event that the application is granted planning permission.

As noted above, we are awaiting amended drawings and these will be the subject of a reconsultation when they are received. We will also write to you ahead of any Planning Committee meeting at which the application would be considered, to notify you of the meeting. Please note that the Council is currently reviewing meeting arrangements in view of the current coronavirus emergency measures being taken by the government. It is possible that public meetings will be held remotely, and further details will be provided on our website in due course.