ePetition details

Petition against re-development of 14 Lynwood Avenue (P/12604/003)

We the undersigned petition the council to oppose & reject in its entirety planning for re-development of 14 Lynwood Avenue, Langley, Slough, SL3 7BH, to build 3 detached properties in the plot where 1 property currently stands (Application No: P12604/003). Recent planning under P/12604/002 was rejected by the planning officer and planning committee by unanimous 8 out of 8 votes on 15th January 2020.

Reasons for objection:

1. It is not in keeping with the existing residential area with respect to house density and amenity space. The site will be over-developed.
2. Road safety concerns because of the introduction of a new intersection on a dangerous bend with consequential increased traffic volume with existing traffic problems increasing likely hood of pedestrian and vehicle accidents.
3. There will be a significant loss of privacy for neighbouring residential occupiers to the determent of their amenity due to the scale, bulk and massing of dwellings.
4. Increased general noise and disturbance.
5. It will lead to more developments of a similar nature on Lynwood Avenue.
6. If approved this developer will just add more houses to existing planning application as demonstrated by their past record on their developments.
7.Recent planning P/12604/002 (15th Jan 2020) out-right rejected by the planning officer based on current policies in Slough Borough Council and rubber stamped by the planning committee by 8 votes to 0. Previous planning (P/12604/001) of similar nature rejected 2003 and then again in 2004.

This ePetition ran from 19/06/2020 to 07/07/2020 and has now finished.

125 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

The above petition has now closed and this petition has been forwarded to the relevant Planning Officer for consideration.