ePetition details

Abolish the Bath Road Bus Lane

We the undersigned petition the council to abolish the Bath Road Bus Lane

Currently there are over 3917 signatures, in support of Abolishing the Bath Road Bus Lane on a third party petition.

There has been no consultation with any residents, this bus lane just suddenly appeared a few days ago and is already causing misery and confusion and this is before traffic gets back to anything like normal.

This ePetition ran from 06/07/2020 to 03/08/2020 and has now finished.

5272 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

This petition to ‘Abolish the Bath Road Bus Lane’ was submitted to Slough Borough Council, which triggered a debate at full Council (24th September, 2020).

The officer report submitted to full Council recommended the continued monitoring of outputs of the experimental phase of the A4 bus and cycle lane scheme for the duration of the objection / consultation period. The petition was debated at full council with the motion to move it to joint panel (29th October, 2020).