Strengthening Families

Partnership agreement

Currently the Strengthening Families team is in the midst of forging new relationships with services and strengthening existing ones so that we are collectively working towards a systemic approach with our families.

We call this phase ‘Partnership Unity’

This new exciting team up with services will create a ‘Strengthening Families Community’ of services which unites services such as Young Peoples Service, Children’s Centres, Slough Children First, CAMHS, Public Health, Solutions4Health, Community Safety and many more into one cohesive collective way of working essentially a single delivery model.

We want all services to think ‘Strengthening Families’, we want them to think ‘whole family’ when a young person or child is referred to them so that they are thinking not just about the individual but about the whole family.

Our vision is for families to get the help they need, at the earliest time, earliest opportunity possible from a host of varied services all co-ordinated by one key worker applying the Strengthening Families framework of working.

In return we ask families to:

  • accept and join in with the support being offered
  • be honest about the problems you are facing so we can provide the right help and support
  • make use of their own parental responsibilities and strengths.