Selig UK Ltd consultation

  • Facility address: 635 – 637 Ajax Avenue, Slough Trading Estate, Slough, UK 
  • Reference: EPR/PBI-13/2024 
  • Date advertised: 05/08/2024 
  • Consultation closing date: 30/08/2024 


Selig operates an existing facility for the manufacture of container sealing products and flexible packaging materials at its site in Slough Industrial Estate. This permit application is being submitted as Selig is proposing to commence the operation of a new solvent emission (SE) activity at Slough, the lamination of packaging materials using solvent-based adhesives. Solvents have not been used at the site previously. 

Specifically, as described by Schedule 1, Section 6.4 Part B of EPR, the following will apply to the new lamination activity: 

“(a) …any process (other than for the re-painting or re-spraying of, or of parts of, aircraft or road or road or railway vehicles) for applying to a substrate, or drying or curing after such application, printing ink or paint or any other coating material as, or in the course of, a manufacturing activity, where the process may result in the release into the air of particulate matter or of any volatile organic compound and is likely to involve the use in any 12-month period of- (iv) 5 or more tonnes of organic solvents…” 

Activity description

Selig is installing a production line for the manufacture of laminated plastic materials at its Slough site. This process will utilise organic solvents in multiple process areas as well as for cleaning purposes. The laminated material output from this production line will either be delivered to customers or used as a raw material in the other, existing on-site manufacturing processes. 

Typical process includes:  

  • Solvent Using Processes
  • Solventless Processes

Other Directly Associated Activities (DAAs):

  • Chemical storage
  • Waste storage

Comment on this application

Please email, quoting: 

  • the application process: Selig UK Ltd
  • permit application number: EPR/PBI-13/2024
  • site address: 635 – 637 Ajax Avenue, Slough Trading Estate, Slough, UK 

Please also specify that you are responding to a public consultation process.