Agenda item

England Access Forum


Members received an updated on the development of the England Access Form and the outcome of the meeting of the South East Region Local Access Forum.  It was noted that Matthew Balfour of Kent and Alan Marlow of Hampshire would represent the South East Region on the English Access Forum.  Members’ attention was drawn to Natural England’s outline coastal access scheme.  JW commented that Slough should have a voice in this issue even though the Council was an inland Borough.  It was suggested that the Forum could hold an informal working group meeting to formulate a response to the scheme and other related issues. 


Agreed -  


(a)  That Marjery Hitchman would continue to represent the Slough Local Access Forum as a Member of the South East Region Access Forum and that Laurie Tucker would deputise in her absence.


(b)  That JW would check Members’ availability and agree a date for an informal meeting of the Forum to consider the coastal access scheme, the Marine Bill and other issues such as Gating Orders.  An update  report would then be submitted to the next LAF meeting in February 2009. Action- JW


JW tabled a report outlining Natural England’s Draft Policy on Access.  If Members had any comments they should forward these to JW by 14th November.


Action-  All Members to note.


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