Agenda item

Adult Social Care Local Account 2015/16


The Panel received the draft Adult Social Care Local Account for 2015/16 that detailed the activities and performance of the service in the year to the end of March 2016 and the priorities for 2016/17.  It reported against the priorities of the Slough Joint Wellbeing Strategy and Five Year Plan.  A number of key achievements were highlighted that had resulted in delivering value for money and improved services for vulnerable people in Slough.  The report also included provisional data from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework that set out the comparative performance of Slough on key indicators.


Members discussed a range of specific issues including the activity being undertaken to address loneliness and promote social interaction.  A Member highlighted the particular need to consider this as part of the reconfiguration of day services for people with learning disabilities, including the planned closure of the Elliman Resource Centre.  It was noted that the services would be reshaped with the involvement of families, carers and services users themselves to identify the right support for each person.  The Panel would receive a further report on the progress being made at its next meeting.  Other issues discussed briefly included the progress of the Adult Social Care reform programme; the procurement, commissioning and contract management arrangements; and collaboration with the voluntary and community sector.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Panel noted the draft Local Account for 2015/16.


Resolved –  That the Adult Social Care Local Account 2015/16 be noted.

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