Committee details

Neighbourhoods and Community Services Scrutiny Panel

Purpose of committee

The Neighbourhoods and Community Services Scrutiny Panel is appointed by Council. The Panel has nine Members and is responsible for the scrutiny of functions falling within the scope of allocated portfolios and any related non executive functions or matters.

The Panel is also responsible for matters within its area of responsibility that have been:

·  referred to it by the Council or Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

  • Referred by way of a Member call in.
  • Agreed by the Panel for inclusion in its agenda plan or work programme.

The Panel has a monitoring role with a portfolio overseeing the following areas: –

·  Agenda 21 Issues

·  All Environmental Services

·  All Housing issues

·  Benefits/Council Tax

·  Careline Services

·  Community Cohesion/Community Celebration/Community Information

·  Community Safety Strategy

·  Customer Service Centre

·  Economic Development

·  Emergency Planning

·  Environmental Health and Trading Standards

·  Inclusion of Excluded Groups

·  Leisure (including libraries, sports, arts, community facilities, parks and open spaces)

·  Licensing Issues 

·  Planning; Highways and Transportation (including Regional Planning and

·  Local Development Framework)

·  Resident/Community Participation

·  Tenant Services

·  Voluntary Sector issues






Contact information

Support officer: Nicholas Pontone. 07749 709 868

Phone: 07749 709 868
