Support for carers of people with mental health problems

Slough community mental health team and Slough older people’s mental health team

There are a number of different initiatives to support carers of people currently receiving support from:

  • Slough Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and
  • Slough Older People’s Mental Health (OPMH) Team.

People with mental health support needs can be referred by their GP practices or inpatient services. If the person you care for is having mental health difficulties but is not receiving support from these teams, please first speak to your GP practice who will be able to provide further information.

Some of the services offered to carers of people with mental health support needs include:

  • monthly mental health workshops for carers.
  • Hope College - a Recovery College aimed at supporting service users, carers and staff
  • Carer Forum - an opportunity to shape services by being involved in focus groups.

These teams also have close links with local organisations to support carers, including:

  • Slough Borough Council
  • Slough Carer Support.

For further information about Hope College or support for carers of people receiving services from Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT) Mental Health Services in Slough, please call:

  • Slough CMHT on 01753 690 950,
  • or Slough OPMH on 01753 635 220.