Co-production in Slough

The Co-production network needs you! video

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The Co-production Network needs you!

What is Co-production?

[Joycelyne John: Co-production Network Member]The Co-production implementation was the best thing ever that was brought into Slough Borough Council.

[Marc Gadsby Executive Director for People (Adults)] For us Co-production is about that partnership working between people who draw on care and support, their carers, civilians, and public services.

Who gets involved in the Co-production network?

[Marcia Wright: Slough 50 Plus Forum – text on screen says “people who have experience of health and social care services]

People with some experience of using social care either for themselves or for their families.

[Zhora Jeffries: Cippenham Carers – text on screen says “people in the community with different experiences]

A selection of people representing different outlets in the community to be the voice for that sort of experience for them

[Bernadette Bates: Co-production Network Member – text on screen says “people with learning difficulties and their families”]

My son has learning difficulties.

[Sue Benford: Co-production Network Member – text on screen reads “people with autism and their families”]

I have a son who has autism.

[Shahnaz Paxton: Co-production Network Member – text on screen says “people with mental health and their families”]

I'm on the Co-production Network representing the Hope College for the Community Mental Health Team where I am a peer mentor. I represent the lived experiences of people with mental health.

[Zhora Jeffries: Cippenham Carers – text on screen says “carers of people using health and social care services”]

I'm the voice for the carers in Co-production.

[Karen Evans: Co-production Network Member – text on screen says “Health and social care service users”]

I'm a Co-production volunteer and a service user as well.

[Mike Woolridge: NHS Frimley – text on screen says “Health organisations such as the NHS and Healthwatch”]

And I work for the local NHS. My role is all about working together  with the local authority and trying to integrate our Health and Social care services. So I'm really proud to be part of the Co-production network because it's absolutely, you know we need to be listening to our residents. It really helps us shape and inform our, you know, services for the future.

What does the network do?

[Marcia Wright: Slough 50 Plus Forum] Local volunteers helping statutory officers in Health and Social care to design services that'll meet the needs of local people, and have some input into how those services are being run and monitored.

[Shahnaz Paxton: Co-production Network Member]

So in the network some of the things we get involved with are:

  • selecting and interviewing staff including managers
  • We do guidelines for Health and Social Care staff
  • projects around accessibility
  • choosing possible service providers..
[Choosing an advocacy service]

[Karen Evans: Co-production Network Member] I've been involved in the interview with advocacy.

[Mike Woolridge: NHS Frimley] Well that's what we're doing again this morning.

[Karen Evans: Co-production Network Member] Yeah, yeah.

[Mike Woolridge: NHS Frimley] But that's really good you know. We've got people like yourself coming and giving their views about who might be a good service  to provide this service.

[Shahnaz Paxton: Co-production Network Member] And reviewing and designing leaflets and promotional material.

[An example project: designing a leaflet]

[Sue Benford: Co-production Network Member] As my son receives direct payments for his care, when a new brochure for direct payments was being planned I was able to have some input into that. And some of the things that weren't working quite so well we were able to discuss and some changes were made. So I was very very pleased to be able to do that.

What does it involve?

The network meets once a month and also has other meetings and events during the year.

You can start by joining as a guest before you agree to become a member.

[Shahnaz Paxton: Co-production Network Member – text on screen says “Volunteers and officers work together as equals in the network]

We work alongside staff and officers and not under them. There is no hierarchy in the Co-production Network.

[Text on screen says “Volunteers and officers share chairing each meeting”]

[Mike Woolridge: NHS Frimley] Everyone gets to have a go.

[Karen Evans: Co-production Network Member] Yeah.  I like it when everyone gets to have a go. Yeah, especially when I  make people laugh.[laughter] I try to make people laugh

[We’re looking for more people to join]

[Zhora Jeffries: Cippenham Carers ] I think it's also very important that Co-production actually goes out and recruits a lot more volunteers to join. The more we have in different varieties of needs of people makes it very helpful to the community.

[Marc Gadsby Executive Director for People (Adults)] We're really keen to hear from you.

[Gaye Jeynes: Co-production Network Member] I'm glad I joined it. And we are like a family. And you know we all have our say. And we don't really a lot of the time disagree because we're all on the same path of just trying to help people.

[Joycelyne John: Co-production Network Member] OK, the reason why I would encourage someone to join Co-production, number one, is because it will give them an in-house understanding of the different departments within the council. Again sometimes we have to understand what goes on behind the scenes and how we can make adjustments.

[Get in touch]

If you're interested in learning more about the Co-production Network

to talk to somebody about the network.
