Children with special educational needs or disabilities

What if I can’t find what I’m looking for?

If you need help to find the information or service you want, you can contact Slough Family Information Service on 01753 476589 or Alternatively you can contact the Family Information Service by using on the “smiley faces” buttons on the website and completing and submitting the form.

It may be that there isn’t a local service that meets your need directly. There maybe a service in a neighbouring area that you can use or there may be a national organisation that can help. Part of the purpose of the Local Offer is to highlight what services are needed in the area. We will use the information you provide to help us plan, monitor and develop appropriate facilities and services for disabled children and their families.

The Local Offer must be updated and reviewed regularly to include information about any new services or information that will be of use to families. We welcome your feedback on the Local Offer. You can contact us by using the 'Contact us' form on the Slough Family Information Service website or you can contact the FIS by phone 01753 476589 or email