Asset of community value

Application to acquire an asset of community value checklist

Please consider the following questions and notes before submitting an application to acquire an asset of community value.

Community use
Question Note
Is the asset to be provided for a public purpose? The council will not transfer assets for private or commercial use
Will the asset be hired or used by third parties? If yes, your application should set out how this will work
Will your organisation supervise use of the asset? If no, your application should explain how use will be supervised
Will the public have access to the asset? If yes, your application should set out how your liabilities will be covered
Fitness for proposed use of asset
Question Note
Is it big enough? The council will not transfer assets that are unsuitable
Is it in the right location? The council will not transfer assets that create unnecessary car use
Is it safe? The council will not transfer assets that are unsafe
Does it have utilities? (Water, electricity, drainage) If no, your application should explain if they are needed
Community support and consultation
Question Note
Have you consulted nearby residents? If no, please consult before submitting your application
Have you consulted adjoining owners? If no, please consult before submitting your application
Have you consulted others affected by the proposal? If no, please consult before submitting your application
Have your consulted the local councillor? If no, please consult before submitting your application
Have you consulted the local Parish Council (if appropriate) If no, please consult before submitting your application
Is there community support for the change of use? If no, consider carefully whether you wish to proceed with your application
Question Note
Can you meet all capital maintenance costs? If no, your application should explain how funding will be provided
Can you meet all day-to-day running costs? If no, your application should explain how funding will be provided
Will you use the asset to generate income? If yes, your application should provide further details
Will any third party be assisting with the costs? If yes, your application should provide further details
Do you have any contingency funds? If no, your applciation should explain how you will deal with contingencies
Question Note
Are there any covenants or other legal constraints? If yes, your application should explain implications
Does the proposed use require planning consent? If yes, your application should explain implications
Have you considered insurance cover? If no, your application should explain implications
Have you assessed health and safety liabilities? Your application must explain how you will deal with risks and liabilities
Question Note
Will you manage the asset? If no, your application should set out who will manage the asset
Will a Management Committee be set up? If yes, your application should set out how this will work
Will users of the asset be involved? If yes, your application should set out how this will work
Will someone be employed to manage the asset? If yes, your application should set out how this will work