Are you ready for pregnancy

Pregnant lady with a bottle of multivitamins and folic acid.

Slough Public Health’s #Readyforpregnancy campaign is encouraging women to get healthy and fit before they try for a baby.

For the best possible start in life, healthy behaviours for the woman and her baby include:

  • starting pregnancy at a healthy weight
  • taking folic acid to prepare for the pregnancy
  • eating a nutritious and healthy diet
  • checking their vaccinations are up to date
  • taking regular exercise
  • stopping smoking
  • cutting out of alcohol
  • looking after your mental health
  • helping your fertility
  • learning more about breastfeeding
  • learning more about pregnancy, birth and parenting
  • understanding the implications of existing health conditions, such as diabetes.

Slough Public Health has worked with community organisations, places of worship, libraries and community hubs and Early Years settings across the borough to reach out to women who speak other languages and their communities.

'Are you ready for pregnancy' booklets are available translated in community languages. Over 3000 copies of the booklets have been printed and distributed to all partners involved in this campaign focussing on overcoming language barriers and digital inaccessibility that many may experience at the same time.

This resource aims to educate, raise awareness and encourage women and their partners to adopt healthy behaviours before pregnancy for the best possible start in life for them and their baby.

Support from Frimley Health and Care