In November Cabinet gave approval for the council’s draft equality objectives to go to a public consultation. Setting these objectives is a key part of our public sector equality duty under the Equality Act 2010 and will cover a period of four years.
The objectives set out what we want to achieve and our priority areas of focus to:
- reduce inequalities for Slough residents and service users
- reduce inequalities and promote diversity and inclusion for the council’s workforce.
The council is now seeking views on five draft equality objectives and wants to hear from as many people as possible on:
- if they agree with the objectives we have proposed
- which ones are most important
- if there are significant areas of equalities focus or groups that are missing.
The Equality objectives consultation can be completed online (CitizenSpace).
If there are any questions regarding the consultation you can contact the team at:
Library staff are available to help any residents who have difficulty completing the questionnaire. The consultation closes on 2 February.
The outcome of the consultation will be presented alongside the final version of the objectives when this is brought to Cabinet and Full Council later this year.
Councillor Dexter Smith, Leader of the Council and cabinet member responsible for improvement & recovery, performance, governance and young futures said: “I would encourage all residents, service users and council staff to take part in this survey to help inform us that we have proposed the right equality objectives and which they see as the most important. The survey closes on 2 February.”