Breakaway maintains good rating after Ofsted inspection

Following an Ofsted inspection in February, Breakaway respite home has been awarded good by Ofsted. Breakaway is run by Slough Children First (a company wholly-owned by Slough Borough Council).

It was inspected last in September 2022, where it was also rated good.

Inspectors found that children found their stays enjoyable and benefited from staying in a well-maintained and welcoming home.

Ofsted emphasised that our staff get to know each child as an individual and cater to their individual needs. Inspectors said ‘They are attentive and act on the children’s non-verbal cues. The great care and attention staff show the children has led to secure, trusting relationships being formed between them.’

Ofsted noted that our staff celebrate diversity and embrace the children’s diverse backgrounds and culture, promoting a sense of belonging and ability to communicate in other languages. ‘Diversity and equality are well promoted in the home. Children are cared for by a diverse staff team, who meet children’s cultural, religious, dietary and individual needs well. One child at times communicates with the home’s manager in the language of their shared heritage.’

They also stated that Breakaway staff encourage children’s verbal communication and communicate with children in other meaningful ways including sign language, pictures and symbols.

Ofsted praised the team’s passion as well as Ranbir Sidhu’s leadership (Breakaway’s Team Manager), how she strives to ensure that staff care for the children, ensuring staff are kept up to date with training, the children’s aspirations are seen, and her keenness to offer extended stays, which has resulted in other children benefiting especially when emergencies may happen.

“Thank you to all our staff for their hard work, dedication and passion that has directly led to Ofsted recognising Breakaway as a ‘Good’ home. We continue to strive to deliver excellence in care for children in an environment that recognises diversity and celebrates each child.” Ranbir Sidhu said.

Saima Arif, Head of Regulated Services at Slough Children First added, “I am very proud of Breakaway’s achievement of getting Good once again. The team are passionate, dedicated and children are always at the centre of their work. A special thank you to Ranbir who has worked hard with her team to achieve this result, which is a big achievement”.

Inspectors also found that the children’s achievements are acknowledged and celebrated, and this was observed through personalised certificates displayed on a ‘wow’ board, prominently placed in Breakaway, which includes personal and educational developments.

We would like to thank all who were involved in the preparation of the inspection, the team effort put into running the respite unit and the support everyone gave each other!

Ofsted have now published the report, available to read on their website.


Published: 24 April 2024