Parking annual report

Parking statistics and financials

The parking statistics gives information on the:

•    volume of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) paid
•    reasons for cancelling any PCNs and
•    how it has affected us financially.

We pride ourselves in ensuring residents and visitors can enjoy the highway together.

Parking statistics 2021/2022 Details
Volume of on street car parking spaces 4,617
Volume of off street car parking spaces 1,547
Volume of regulation 9 PCNs issued 24,653
Volume of regulation 10 PCNs issued 136
Volume of PCNs issued on street 23,431
Volume of PCNs issued off street 1,358
Volume of PCNs paid on street 11,331
Volume of PCNs paid off street 864
Volume of PCNs cancelled 1,116
Volume of PCNs written off 3,529
Volume of PCNs resulting in informal challenge 2,681
Volume of informal challenges which resulted in cancellation of the PCN 764
Volume of informal challenges which resulted in rejection of the challenge. 1,917
Volume of PCNs resulting in a formal representation 1,079
Volume of formal representations which resulted in cancellation of the PCN 378
Volume of formal representations which result in a Notice of Rejection 500
Volume of vehicles removed 4
Volume of vehicles immobilised 55
Volume of appeals at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal 57
Volume of appeals at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Of which were allowed 24
Volume of appeals at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Of which were dismissed 10
Volume of appeals at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Of which were not contested 22
Volume of appeals at the Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Of which are awaiting decision / other 1

Parking financials - 2021/2022

On street parking income Amount £
On street parking income 153,200
Permit income 55,800
On street PCN income 541,000
Total on street parking income 750,000
On street parking direct costs  Amount £
Civil enforcement 318,110
Admin, appeals, debt recovery & maintenance 695,814
Scheme review / new schemes 85,100
Capital charges 0
Other direct costs of on street parking 120,600
Total on street direct costs 1,219,624
Off street parking income Amount £
Off street parking income 348,500
Off street PCN income 33,500
Other off street parking income 0
Total off street parking income 382,000
Off street parking direct costs  329,057
Off street parking surplus / deficit 52,943