Safeguarding adults training

Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

The Social Care Institute has a suite of Mental Capacity Act e-learning courses.

  • Supporting People to make their own decisions.
  • Making day to day decisions about care and support.
  • Best interest decisions about day-to-day care and support.
  • Making more complex decisions.
  • More complex best interests decision making.
  • What to do when there is disagreement.
  • Planning for the future.
  • Interface between the MCA and MHA.

These courses are free and are available at the SCIE website. Select ‘e-learning’ at the bottom of the page.

SBC promotes e-learning as a useful introduction and refresher training, and effective when applied within blended learning settings. Examples include following up completion of an e-learning course by giving staff the opportunity for skills practice and discussing what they have learnt in supervision.