Children Looked After and Care Leavers

Education, Employment and Training Strategy

This strategy sets out the pathway for improving the Education, Employment and Training (EET) participation and attainment of Children Looked After (CLA) and Leaving Care (LC). This will enable them to reach their full potential.

The strategy and action plan aim to make significant improvements and reach aspirational targets by 2020.

We developed this strategy in response to:

  • the national picture about the life chances of CLA/LC
  • what the local data tells us about Slough in comparison with their peers
  • recommendations from the OFSTED inspection in Slough
  • internal reviews
  • learning from past practice.

Most importantly, young people in Slough have contributed their ideas and experiences.

The successful delivery of this strategy requires commitment throughout the council and Slough Children's Services Trust, and strong partnership across wider external partners.