Community learning and skills

About the service

The Community Learning and Skills Service delivers adult and community learning across Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead.

Slough Borough Council manages the provision of community learning in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. This allows us to offer more learning courses to both boroughs including:

  • English language
  • basic skills
  • computing
  • skills for work
  • personal development and family learning courses.

We are funded by the Skills Funding Agency and governed by a shared services management committee with two officer representatives from each borough with Slough having 51% of the voting rights. Officers from each council have accountability to their respective elected members.


Each year we produce a Self Assessment Report:

We are periodically inspected by Ofsted (Slough and RBWM) and assessed for Matrix Accreditation.

We seek to raise learners' aspirations and achievements through high quality teaching of a wide range of courses that support learners into work and further learning.

We work in partnership with an increasing number of local providers to deliver learning to the targeted groups of learners. We welcome organisations to work in partnership through us. One way is to subcontract with us as a provider.