How the council plans for emergencies

Emergency response plan

In normal circumstances our staff manage minor emergencies and unexpected events without the need for extra resources or extraordinary activity. A Major Incident falls outside the scope of the normal service demands that we usually plan for. We have developed a Major Incident Plan (MIP) to ensure that Slough Borough Council can respond effectively to a Major Incident impacting on the community.

This is a generic plan written to cover most eventualities and, therefore, is non-incident specific in approach. The procedures within it may be adapted to suit the situation. In addition, a range of other Slough Borough Council and Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum Emergency Response Arrangements and other plans that have been prepared for specific incidents.

To test the plans, we undertake simulated emergency exercises. Sometimes these tests are live and involve rollout of staff and emergency equipment. On other occasions, a hypothetical scenario is used at a “table top” exercise.

The plan ensures compliance with the Council’s statutory obligations under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

Aim of the Slough Borough Council Emergency Response Plan

The Council’s overall aim in an emergency is: to do the utmost to support the multi-agency response and to minimise any adverse impact on the community.

This Plan helps the Council to achieve this aim by:

  1. Setting out the arrangements for placing Slough Borough Council on a response footing
  2. Identifying roles and responsibilities in the response arrangements
  3. Identifying employees or other agencies to fill those roles
  4. Setting out the 24 hour contact telephone numbers for all staff and agencies with responsibilities under the plan
  5. Outlining recovery arrangements.

If more information is required please email to contact the Emergency Planning Team.