Fraud investigation

Blue Badge, grant and other fraud

Blue Badge

Please let us know if:

  • someone is using an altered or forged Blue Badge
  • someone is using one that was not issued to them
  • someone is using a deceased person’s badge
  • any other suspicions you have regarding use of a Blue Badge.

Grant fraud

Please let us know if:

  • you know anyone who makes obtained fraudulent grants from the council to improve properties or to obtain care grants
  • you are aware of anyone fraudulently claiming Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF), Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant (RHLGF) or Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund which have been set up during the Covid 19 pandemic
  • any other suspicions you have regarding persons claiming grants.

Other Fraud

We will investigate all other fraud committed by external or internal sources. This includes procurement fraud, other council tax fraud etc. If it is proven that a person has committed fraud (against the council) then they will be subject to one or more of the following actions against them:

  1. the recovery of the amount that they have received fraudulently
  2. the charging of a financial penalty
  3. Prosecution through the courts (depending upon the circumstances).