Highways asset management strategy

Slough’s Highways Asset Management Strategy, sets out our plans for the maintenance and operation of the Slough road network over the next five years.

Its role is to ensure the vitality of our communities and the success of our local and regional economy.

Our strategy will:

  • help is to show responsible custodianship of the council’s most valuable asset
  • give us the tools to make the best possible use of our available funding through the adoption of a planned, preventative approach to maintenance that will save money over time
  • help us to secure funding for highway maintenance from the Department for Transport and elsewhere.
  • help us to provide the necessary infrastructure so we can make the best use of the opportunities these technologies present.
  • help us to move away from a position where we are forced to react to potholes and other problems with short-term repairs, allowing us to carry out the right maintenance at the right time.

All this will allow the network to:

  • be in a better condition
  • perform more effectively to produce safe, comfortable travel for all types of road user
  • provide streets which are more attractive for residents, to the benefit of us all.