This Plan is our response to the Department for Transport’s (DfT’s) Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS).
The objective is to make cycling and walking the natural choice for short journeys, or as part of a longer journey, by 2040.
This calls for:
- an increase in cycling and walking, especially walking to school
- a reduction in the number of cycling casualties in England.
The LCWIP has three main elements:
- details and plans of the existing cycling and walking networks in Slough
- a proposed list of prioritised schemes - one for each mode of travel
- a narrative report, specifying links to existing council policy, strategies and initiatives, and related contextual information.
The plan includes a variety of infrastructure proposals intended to:
- promote active travel
- improve safety
- enhance health and well-being
- improve connectivity across the borough.
To help deliver all of these benefits, the council is also encouraging behavioural change programmes and initiatives like better by. These will help develop the SBC Local Transport Plan further.